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Wearing Advantages of SEO

Wearing Advantages of SEO

Certainly a lot of advantages if you apply SEO techniques in your blog / website that you manage, including the following:

1 Number of Visitors Blog / Website You Will Rise
Although the blog / website has a lot of quality content, if not been visited by anyone, then it is in vain. Imagine if every day there are at least 50 new people who menunjungi blog / site. Of course in 1 year, you've got thousands of people who have never visited your blog / site.

2 Make Your Blog More Famous

If your blog / website is getting famous, will be very easy for you to promote the products you want to market. You do not need to search for consumers, but consumers who will look for you.

3 You Can Memenangkaan SEO Contest

SEO Contest is a competition for the position of nomr one on a search engine site. Winner of SEO is positioned at the site nomoor 1 or 1-10, depending on the provisions of the organizers and the contest deadline specified ends. The contest offers prizes ranging from a free domain to millions of money.

4 Can Make Extra Money

If a website / blog that you maintain already have a lot of visitors, you can implement a feature PPC (Pay-per-Click) in a blog that you manage, Through PPC, you will earn additional commissions from each of your blog visitors who click on banner ads You plug. The payer is a person who agrees to pair iklanya to blogs that you manage.

5. Reaching Share Market Share is Not Targeted
Through blogs / websites that you manage, you can promote your products on-line, based on the targeted market share and unspoiled. Both in terms of area, interest, customer needs, language, country, and others.

6 Lifting Your Business Image

After having a website / blog that tekelola well, image (image) of your business in the eyes of consumers can be lifted. Although the new business class SMEs, but through on-line presence, your business image will be raised compared to other competitors and can compete with larger companies.

7 Cost Marketing More Effective and Efficient

Internet is a medium that is cheap and making the blog is still free. Therefore, for the promotion and advertising costs are relatively lower compared to marketing it manually.

8. Easing In Building Good Relationships with Customers
A blog / website can be a bridge between you as the consumer to the manufacturer. If consumers want to give advice / criticism, they can easily contact you. For example through chat features, forums, and add a coment, so that consumers can feel appreciated and will never run into a rival product.

Efficacy Dragon Fruit

Efficacy Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit
has beneficial properties for human health such as balancing blood sugar levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating complaints whitish.

Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains a water content of only 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, preserves or jam or various forms of presentation to suit your taste.

In general, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for health versus other fruits are imported.

Overall, every red dragon fruit contains a protein that is able to increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health, fiber (ususm cancer prevent diabetes, and diet), carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent disease), calcium (bone strengthening).

Here is a complete nutritional content of dragon fruit:

[-] Sugar Levels: 13-18 briks
[-] Water: 90%
[-] Carbohydrates: 11.5 g
[-] Acid: 0.139 g
[-] Protein: 0.53 g
[-] Fiber: 0.71 g
[-] Calcium: 134.5 mg
[-] Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
[-] Magnesium: 60.4 mg
[-] Vitamin C: 9.4 mg

Vitamin Content Of Apples

Vitamin Content Of Apples

who is not familiar with this fruit?
The fruit is readily available for sale at various places selling fruit. Various types and colors of apples there everywhere. Ape; much preferred because it is typical. Based on research, in one apple is believed to have many beneficial properties for the body. What are the content of an apple? And what benefits can diperleh an apple?

Apples contain many vitamins , minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and others. This substance is very necessary for our bodies to prevent and cope with various diseases. Henceforth, we discuss about what is contained in apples? And what are the benefits of apples?

Rich in Vitamins
Apples are rich in vitamins. Some of the vitamins contained in apples such as vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C.

Rich Minerals
Apples contain a lot of minerals. Minerals in apple fruit include calcium, magnesium, ptasium iron, and zinc.

Rich in Fiber
Apples are rich in fiber, so it is good for people who are in a diet prgram. This is due to the high fiber thus preventing hunger comes more quickly.

Apples also contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are antioxidants to fight free radicals that come from pollution or the environment. This substance also serves to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) which can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Apples also contain tannins. Tannins are substances which serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in a woman's body.

Fiber to reduce fat and cholesterol
Apples contain fiber that binds fats useful and bad cholesterol in the body for later disposal.

In the apples are baron. Baron serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in a woman's body.

One of the good content of apple fruit to prevent disease is flavoid. Flavoid is a substance that serves to decrease the risk of cancer.

D-glucaric acid
D-glucaric acid is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels.

Zar Quereetin is required to increase the levels of antioxidants that the body feels healthy lenih and prevent various diseases.

Acid Tartar
Tartar acid that can nourish the digestive tract, because these substances are capable of killing bacteria in the digestive tract

Seeing many elements of health that can be used, of course we can try to eat one apple every day.

Tips Mengganti Oli Motor Kesayangan

Tips Mengganti Oli

Oli merupakan salah satu bagian terpenting supaya setiap komponen di dalam mesin motor berjalan sempurna seperti darah pada manusia. Oleh karena itu, menggunakan oli yang baik serta rutin melakukan pergantian oli wajib hukumnya agar motor kesayangan tetap dalam performa puncaknya. Berikut 5 tips mengganti oli motor kesayangan Anda.

1. Pilih oli sesuai spesifikasi

Langkah pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mencari oli yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi motor Anda apakah itu oli khusus bebek atau matic.
Selain itu, pilih spesifikasi oli untuk digunakan harian bukan untuk keperluan balap. Jika menggunakan oli balap, memang tarikan motor akan lebih mantap namun hal ini berdampak pada umur mesin yang pendek.

2. Jangan campur oli yang berbeda merek

Selain itu, sebaiknya Anda jangan gonta ganti merek oli terlalu sering karena jika setiap merek ini spesifikasi oli yang masuk mesin juga berbeda, maka bisa saja kerja mesin jadi tidak optimal.

3. Ganti oli saat mesin dingin

Keadaan di mana mesin motor mati cukup lama membuat semua oli turun sehingga diharapkan nantinya sisa oli di dalam mesin hanya dalam jumlah sedikit saja sebelum mesin kembali di isi oli baru.

4. Ganti oli setiap sebulan sekali

Rutin mengganti oli juga menjadi cara ampuh untuk menjaga kondisi mesin motor kesayangan. Jika motor digunakan sebagai kendaraan harian yang menempuh jarak jauh (l0 Km++ setiap hari), maka sebaiknya oli di ganti setiap sebulan sekali atau ketika motor sudah di gunakan berjalan sejauh 2.000-3.000 km.

5. Jangan gunakan sisa oli untuk melumasi rantai

Jika menggunakan oli bekas sebagai pelumas rantai, gram besi dari mesin yang terdapat di oli bekas justru bisa memperpendek umur rantai. Menggunakan oli baru pun juga tak lebih baik, oli justru akan membuat debu menempel di rantai dan rantai pun cepat kering. Lebih baik menggunakan pelumas rantai atau chain lube sebagai pelumas rantai kendaraan roda dua.

Pelopor Vocaloid Hatsune Miku

Sejarah Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku ? ya betul ! Artikel kali ini akan membahas tentang Siapa dan Sejarah dari
Hatsune Miku. Biasanya sih, yang menyukai atau mengidolakan Hatsune Miku adalah Gamer dan Otaku ( Jomblo wakwakakak ). Oke langsung saja kita bahas cekidot !

Apa dan Siapa Hatsune Miku ?

Hatsune Miku sebenarnya software yang menghasilkan suaran nyanyian wanita, dirilis 31 Agustus 2007 oleh Crypton Future Media. Nama Hatsune Miku berasal dari bahasa Jepang yang berarti pertama ( hatsu), suara ( ne), dan masa depan Miku (ミク) yang merupakan nanori dari mirai (未来). Penggabungan kata tersebut secara bahasa Jepang berarti "Suara Pertama Dari Masa Depan"

Lalu, Siapakah pengisi suara Hatsune Miku ?
Suara Miku diisi oleh Saki Fujita, Seorang pengisi suara dari Jepang.

Sejarah Hatsune Miku ?

Sebelum Miku dirilis , Vocaloid tidak lebih dari program yang tidak dikenal. Nico Nico Douga, sebuah situs mirip YouTube memiliki peran yang besar hingga software ini menjadi terkenal.

Pada 18 Oktober 2007 , sebuah forum Internet melaporkan bahwa Miku telah menjadi Korban Sensor leh Google dan Yahoo! karena gambar Miku tidak tampil dalam hasil pencarian. Namun hal itu segeera dibantah Oleh Google dan Yahoo!, dan mereka menyatak bahwa sedang terjadi masalah sistem yang mengakibatkan tidak munculnya gambar Miku. Pada 19 Oktober, gambar dari Hatsune Miku mulai ditampilkan pada halaman pencarian Yahoo.

Pada tahun 2012, Hatsune Miku menjadi pemenang dari ajang Olimpiade London 2012 "Idola dan Ikon Virtual Yang Kamu Idolakan" tetapi dengan kemenangan itu Hatsune Miku juga menjadi korban penghapusan massal video-video yang berkaitan di Youtube, karena video Hatsune Miku dinilai tidak pantas. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak, maksud penghapusan tersebut adalah untuk membalas kekalahan yang dialami idol mereka yang ikut nominasi tersebut. Para pecinta Vocaloid-pun berupaya mengunggah kembali video-video yang dihapus dan memberikan pesan untuk tersangka dibalik peristiwa itu untuk tidak mengusik Hatsune Miku lagi.